Monday 17 December 2012

Fill in the blanks -July -2008 ANSWER KEY

  1. Icons with an arrow in the lower left corner are ..............................icons.
  2. The decimal equivalent of hexadecimal number B65 F  is ..........................
  3. 1 GB is equal to ...........................bytes.
  4. An organized collection of software that controls the overall operations of a computer is called as..........................
  5. a collection of keystrokes that is created and saved as in assigned control key.
  6. Internal commands in DOS are present in....................
  7. Outline view in power point displays contents in.............................
  8. USB stands for ......................
  9. ..............................combines values of multiple worksheets into selected cells.
  10. pointing device.


  1. Shortcut
  2. 46687
  3. 1,073,741,824
  4. Operating system
  5. Macro
  7. Bulleted effects
  8. Universal Serial Bus
  9. Consolidate
  10. Mouse

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