Monday 17 December 2012

Fill in the blanks -January -2009, ANSWER KEY

  1. Multiprogramming systems are designed to  maximize........................................
  2. Line printers and dot-matrix printers are .....................printers.
  3. Recording of data tape is in ........................form.
  4. a measure of a computer's processing speed.
  5. where the data will be entered and displayed.
  6. In Excel ......................allows the user to enter repetitive data quickly.
  7. The part of operating system that allows the user to communicate, or interact,with it is called the .................
  8. Use mark terms you want to include in your index.
  9. ............................determiners the amount of vertical space between lines of text in a paragraph.
  10.  One of the main functions of the operating system is .............................

ANSWER    :-

  1.  CPU
  2. Impact 
  3. Sequential
  4. MIPS
  5. work space
  6. Auto Fill
  7. Shell
  8. Alt+Shift+X
  9. Line Spacing
  10. Memory Management

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