Monday 17 December 2012

Fill in the blanks July -2009 , ANSWER KEY

  1. Register are high speed.................................
  2. Primary function of to execute programs.
  3. Invisible concentric circles on disk are called ......................
  4. A....................contains a small processor that holds certain information.
  5. .......................command displayes or changes the file attributes in Linux.
  6. Times Roman is the name of a .......................
  7. to insert a page break.
  8. The MS-Excel web document is saved in ....................format.
  9. Modems -convert signals form ................................
  10. ..............................command is used to list files in MS-DOS.


  1. Memory
  2. CPU
  3. Tracks
  4. Smart Card
  5. chmod
  6. Font
  7. Insert
  8. HTML
  9. Digital to Analog and Analog to Digital (M/N)
  10. DIR

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