Monday 17 December 2012

Fill in the blanks January -2008 , ANSWER KEY

    1. Ram is a (n) ................................ memory.
    2. Ms -word is an example of a (n).........................
    3. The ....................generally controls interaction of the application software and all the hardware components.
    4. In Unix , commands are ...................................sensitive .
    5. the name of a code used to represent characters.
    6. a section of RAM where your computer stores copied data.
    7. a  format for image files.
    8. The feature that moves text to make room for new words as they are keyed is called......................mode.
    9. a small picture or symbol representing a computer hardware function or component.
    10. The speed of the clock chip is measured in ......................

ANSWER    :-

  1. Volatile
  2. Word Processor
  3. Operating System
  4. Case
  5. ASCII
  6. Clipboard
  7. JPEG
  8. Insert
  9. Icon
  10. Mega Hertz

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