Tuesday 18 December 2012

Fill in the blanks -January -2011, ANSWER KEY

  1. The tern BIT is an abbreviation of................................
  2. An electronic document sent with the Email is termed as............................
  3. A virtual table derived from one or more tables is known as ..................
  4. A temporary storage area used for keeping the cut/copied text is called .......................
  5. Process of placement of text going post right margin to next line is termed as ...............
  6. Short cut CTRL  + V is used to .......................
  7. If you enter 12+24 in a cell , Excel will display.......................
  8. In ..................chart, only one data series can be plotted.
  9. RDBMS stands for....................
  10. .............................label serves as data marker , which represents a single data item.
ANSWER    :-

  1. Binary Digit
  2. Attachment
  3. View
  4. Clipboard
  5. Word Wrap
  6. Paste
  7. No answer 
  8. Pie
  9. Relational Database Management System
  10. Data

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