Monday 17 December 2012

Fill In The Blanks January-2007 ANSWER KEY

  1. The components of a CPU are ...........................the arithmetic -logic unit, and the  control unit.
  2. Semiconductor storage is ................................which means that the storage loses its data representation when electrical power is interrupted .
  3. Two basic types of semiconductor memory are random access memory and .....................
  4. Computers are classified into four groups: microcomputers, minicomputers and ..................supercomputers.
  5. There are two basic types of disk:disk,and floppy disk.
  6. ASCII stands for .............................
  7. A byte consists of .................bits.
  8. Information to be processed by a computer is called ....................
  9. DOS have two types of commands: Internal and ...............................
  10. A new directory can be created by.....................................command.


  1. Primary storage
  2. Volatile
  3. Read Only Memory
  4. Mainframes
  5. Compact
  6. American Standard Code for Information interchange
  7. Eight
  8. Processing
  9.  External
  10. MD

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